Monday, 29 January 2007

Phew! Busy, busy

It's been a bonkers week here!

Quite a few people off to their new homes at last which is nice. Although it has been sad saying goodbye to some who have been here a while such as Jake, Geb and Toby.

Over the weekend we've had a huuuge influx - 1 russian hamster, 8 roborovski hamsters, 2 chinchillas, and 12 rats! As well as the arrival of ex foster boy Pickle who has come to stay while his Mummy is in South Africa.

Everyone is doing ok after the lice business. Keeya has a little abcess on her throat but she's growing at a rate of knots right now so I think she's fighting it off ok!

Saturday, 20 January 2007

It's been a rotten couple of weeks :(

Well I've put this off for two weeks but it's time I faced it now :cry:

My worst fears came true and two weeks ago yesterday Squirt and Dumpling were taken from me very suddenly.

My two lovely boys fell victim to a lice outbreak here. Dumpling's death was to be expected I guess, he was very weak anyway. He had had a head tilt which had been very tough on him but he'd started to bounce back. I organised a cage for him so he could get about safely but be back in with his friends and this seemed to make all the difference. He'd been doing really well, he'd gained weight and being his usual cheeky little self.
But Squirt was a big fat boy of little more than a year old so losing him was a total shock. I can only assume there was something else, some underlying condition we didn't know about.

It transpired all the rats here had lice on some level so I've had to treat everyone and quarantine myself for the last couple of weeks. So Jake and his gang are still here, although they leave tomorrow. Some of the baby girls are reserved, as is Melody the hamster which is great news! So we should have lots of people leaving for their new homes in the next week or so (and plenty more waiting to come in too!)

It really has been a horrible couple of weeks. Losing my boys has been horrid, worrying about all the other rats has been tough, I've had flu myself, Dave has been recovering from an op and Fraggle the dog has been unwell. We found a lump on her face which needs removing but she also has an infection in her mammary glands and has been having a phantom pregnancy. As soon as she is over all of that she'll be booked in to be speyed and have the lump removed. She has been so depressed poor baby but a homoeopathic treatment (pulsatilla) has really helped and she is now bouncing round the house like an overgrown puppy again :)

Let's hope 2007 looks up from now on!

Friday, 5 January 2007

New Arrivals

Last night we were joined by some more baby girl rats and their two Mum's. Pictures and details will follow shortly.

Today I am mostly worrying about Squirt the rat who was looking poorly last night. He has a flare up of mites (which he has always been prone to) and is a bit limp and breathing funny. My concern is that it is heart trouble like Honey had. He is off to the vets this afternoon. I have also treated Dumpling for mites and his breathing is a bit noisy too.

When I'm not worrying about them I am pondering that Jake will be leaving me for his new home tomorrow, along with his new brothers. He is special to me anyway having been born here in a litter of just two rats, because I kept his Mum and sister and cos I met his Dad and Uncles who were absolutely adorable. But aside from all that he really is the most remarkable rat I've ever met. He is so full of fun and naughtiness and literally a laugh a minute. Every night I get distracted by the four of them demanding play and they are going to leave an enormous gap in the rat room. I really will miss them a great deal.

So please send healing thoughts for Squirt and Dumpling and keep everything crossed that I get through tomorrow without blubbing like a baby and making a wally of myself!!

Monday, 1 January 2007

Happy New Year

New year, new blog page, new resolution to post more regularly!!

I recently computerised all the animal records which has given me the capacity to see quite easily what we have done this (I mean last) year! So today seems like a good time to review 2006 and share with you what we have achieved.

It's a bit scary 2006 we took in 292 foster animals! This breaks down as

2 chinchillas
1 chinese hamster
8 degus
1 dog
24 gerbils
18 mice
178 rats
3 roborovski hamsters
54 russian hamsters
3 syrian hamsters

And what happened to them?

201 found new homes directly from here
41 were returned to Furry Friends HQ to be homed from there
12 of them died :( (this was mostly babies who didn't make it)
9 of them stayed here :D
29 are still here

That's a whopping increase on the 74 animals we took in during the 7 months of 2005 that we were fostering! It has been a busy year that's for sure. There have been a lot of wonderful moments and seeing pictures of some very special friends enjoying their new homes never fails to put the hugest grin on my face. There have been some sad goodbyes too but even so I am just grateful to have known these animals and had a chance to give them a little happiness before their time came.

So, deep breath, and on with 2007!!!